October 15, 2012

Excited for Nashville!!

Wow!  I can't believe that I am FINALLY going to Nashville!  It's really happening!!  I have waited my entire life for this and soon I will be there.  Saturday, October 20th I fly to music city.

My first trip and I have so much to take in and do.  My first full day, I have a co-write appointment with fellow Canadian artist Steve Rivers who I met at Canadian Country Music week just last month in Saskatoon.  Check out this talented artist's music on his website 
Sunday night I'll be taking in the songwriter's night at the infamous Bluebird Cafe.

Monday will be a big day.  I have booked a tour with Marc-Alan Barnette  who will be showing me around music city and introducing me to other songwriters.  Then it will be back to the Bluebird Cafe and hopefully get an opportunity to perform at the open mic night.

Tuesday morning, I have a co-write with hit songwriter Tim Taylor who wrote hits like "My Way" (Aaron Pritchett) and Ten Million Teardrops (Jason McCoy).  I feel very lucky that I get an opportunity to write with this gentleman.  Tuesday night I will take in a show at the Grand Ol' Opry that is dedicated to Minnie Pearl.  There will be performances by Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Mel Tillis, Pam Tillis and Little Jimmy Dickens!!  I'm going to be backstage before the show and I get to watch the first performance from backstage as well.  I sure hope I get to talk to Vince Gill!!!

Wednesday I will visit the Country Music Hall of Fame and then that evening I will be performing in a songwriter's round at the Red Rooster Bar and Grill! thanks to Lorna Flowers  who books writers for this and to Doak Turner for hooking me up with Lorna.

Thursday I will be going the Nashville Songwriters Association International where I have a one-on-one mentoring session and I will also be attending a songwriters workshop with guest speaker Teddy Gentry from the band Alabama.

Friday I left open for networking opportunities and maybe some sight seeing.  I will also take in venues like Tootsies Lounge and the Commodore.

See why I am excited!  And I would like you to share in the excitement by following me on Twitter and on my Facebook fan page .  I will be posting updates and pictures on a daily basis and everyone who comments or shares my posts and pictures will be entered into a draw to win a promo pak (autographed single CD, T-shirt and photo) of my latest single THIS TOWN which is also available on iTunes 
Draw will take place the week of October 29th

Thank you to Doak Turner who will be my host during my stay and has been very helpful in connecting me with people and preparing for this trip.

A HUGE thank you to my husband, Jean who continues to believe in me and with his support and hard work is making this trip possible for me.   

Whatever your dream, if you follow your heart, it will lead you to places well worth the adventure.

1 comment:

  1. A dream of a life time, In a way you'll be bring us with you as you post pictures of your trip. Your hard work has gotten you this far, and will get you even farther. Enjoy your time in Nashville, OH, can you say hi to Vince Gill for me. ha ha ha
