March 18, 2012


As I prepare for my move back to Alberta from here on Vancouver Island, I am thinking of all the friends I have made here on the island.  In the past seven years, I have made many friends - mostly through music.  I will never forget the first open mic I attended shortly after I moved here to the island.  It was at the Dancing Bean.  I sang my first song and I was welcomed with open arms.  That night, after the Dancing Bean, we went to Phil's house and we played song after song after song in his little kitchen.  It was so awesome!  It is a night I will never forget!  From then on, once a month we gathered at the Open Mic night in Chemainus at the Dancing Bean to share our love of music.  It was from this gathering that friendships formed and grew.  And no matter what level of musicianship we were at we cheered one another on and provided support if one of us was having hard times.  And the music and the friendships didn't stop there.  Many of us gathered once and awhile at one of our homes to have a potluck supper and then we would jam afterwards - playing anything from the Old Crow Medicine Show to Bob Dylan to some Patsy Cline.  Then once a year there is Blenderfest weekend.  From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, a weekend of fellowship and song (and a lot of booze!) is enjoyed by all.  The best part of the weekend is the "Hat Band" where everyone who wants to participate puts their name in a hat and then names are pulled and placed into the groups.  You then have a few hours to either practice a cover song or write a song.  After a wonderful potluck supper, each group then performs their song by campfire and lantern lights for the crowd and a panel of judges.  After a winner is announced, the music continues by the campfire in a circle of song until the early morning hours. It has been musical gatherings such as these that friendships have been formed and rekindled throughout the year at each musical event.  Through all of these musical ventures, to all my friends:  Robert  & Sylvie McCourty, Phil & Victoria Holmes, Brian Fraser, Mike Nichols, Shelley Brown and Darrell Keeler, Roderick and Marny Beaton, Judy and Jake, Mona & Larry, Danielle,  Mercedes, Randy, Chris, Lisa, Caleb & Jordan Burness, Mike and Will O'Shaughnessy, Steve Nash, Mark Noonan, Jan Donaldson, and the list goes on and on and on,  I thank you for your wonderful friendship and it doesn’t stop just because I’m moving!  We will continue to be in touch through the wonderful world of social media and I expect a visit at least once a year.
I will also always remember the friendships formed through Minstrels Music - it was there that it was country night where I met Tom Horsfal, Tony Dias, Oscar Demeers, Thomas Kinzel, Breanna Lewis (who is now Thomas' wife), Anthony Duke, Laurie and Phil Newns.  I went there a few times and then I was invited to join the group.  We played the good 'ol classics and enjoyed playing every Friday night. I also formed a friendship with a fan, Gus Zilkie who is a very sweet man that I will always hold a special place in my heart.  And I can't forget Lucy Lewis!  She is such a sweetie! 
And then there is the Regional Writers Group in Victoria (through the Songwriters Association of Canada) where I met another wonderful group of people who are not only songwriters and performers, but great people as well.  Tracy Mills, Paul Mowbray, Jim Moffatt, Tim Black, John Cowell, Steve Sturgess, Renata Young, Beverley McKeen, Maureen Washington, Margaret and Bob Nelson, Peter Brunette, Kate Steele, Zachary Doeding, and I know there are a few that I am missing and my apologies.  Thank you for your support and for being just wonderful people.
Through open mics and jam sessions, I have also met and formed friendships with people like Ron Ingram and his partner Della Dee James.  Ron and I did some gigs together and we even bought a singing program together!  I also met Brian Hazelbower and Pam Edgar who host the Songwriters Circle program every Sunday morning on radio out of Nanaimo.  Brian and I have even done some co-writes.  And of course there are many, many others that I have met and have gotten to know on a casual friendship level. 
Then there's my band.  Maurice Gaudreault and Mark Wing.  I couldn't have asked for two nicer and talented guys to play music with.  I'm only leaving these two behind temporarily.  Once I get settled and booking small tours, I want these gentlemen to be able to join me.  Not only have we played music together, but we’ve also been able to enjoy some great times together, on and off the road.

My association with the BC Childhood Cancer Association - working and becoming friends with Susan Kerr and Dan Mornar helping families financially while their child goes through cancer treatments. Susan, Dan and I have unfortunately shared the same experience of having a child go through cancer treatments and Dan and I have experienced the loss.

My girlfriends, near or far, they have always been there for me. Wendy Wood, Jennifer Goble, Cara Corcoran and Shelley O'Neill. Our friendships have continued through numerous phone calls, emails and visits once and awhile either here on the island or back in Alberta. But soon, we will be together again and we can actually have dinner or go out together as often as we can!  Yay!

And of course, all my friends from my home town of Peace River, Alberta and friends here on the island (not through music) which there are way too many to mention.  Each and every friendship has special meaning. 
And my closest friend, my husband Jean.  We’ve had to endure a long distance relationship since last September since he started a new job back in Alberta, but we have made it through and soon we will be together again on a daily basis.  Twenty two years of marriage this year and we can still say we are best friends. 

I cherish each and every friendship in its own way and I am very grateful that I have so many wonderful friends. I have many good friends and I have some best friends and I would like to share with you a song I wrote called "Harmony" which is about friendships.  Enjoy my friends!


  1. What a wonderful tribute to your friends Shelly,welcome back to Alberta and continued success.

    Gerald Trish and kaitleee

  2. Hey Shelly. I too remember that first Dancing Bean, and how you were welcomed and celebrated. Only fitting that you were there for the opening of the Willow St Open Mic. I feel it was rightly blessed by your presence. Wonderful too to get to play a wee riff with you with a tip of my hat to Jean and his fretwork.
    Its been such a pleasure to see you take to the skies with your band and travels and witness others embrace you and your music. We will miss you, but are so thankful for the life and times shared, and look forward with joy to the hope of meeting around some blenderfest fire somewhere. To you, good friends, music, love and laughter. May these good graces fill your days.
