January 1, 2014

HERE'S TO 2014!

As I sit here typing this, I'm looking around my office reflecting on all the quotes on my walls, the cards of thank you's and well wishes from the past year and all the sticky notes, papers and binders that remind me every day of what I love to do most - music.  The quotes remind me to have faith, be fearless, be persistent and most importantly - that "impossible" doesn't exist but "I'm Possible" does.  The cards of thank you's for donating my time or making a donation to my charities that matter most to me or from my students that I teach guitar and voice to for making a difference in their life.  All the sticky notes, papers and binders that remind me that I have shows to book, songs to write and all the promotional work that needs to be done as an independent musician.  And even though its not a constant reminder in my office, the support and love that I receive from my family, friends and fans on a continual basis that is expressed verbally, by a warm greeting in a form of a hug or in social media reminds me of how blessed I am and helps me continue with my journey.  As I move into 2014 I look forward to more of the same along with new beginnings, challenges and joyous moments.  To ALL of you, I wish you all the same in your journeys and I hope that you will be fearless, be persistent and have faith in yourself.

Happy New Year!!

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